Learn the Story


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About PUPE

Purple Pepe is a species of Pepe that was created from the radiation leaked into the Mariana Trench after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.

For some reason, the squids in the trench were extremely attracted to this radiation and would swarm areas in the thousands, releasing ink for days on end.

During their inking rituals, two Pepe frogs were mating intensely. At that exact moment, squid ink leaked into the reproductive process of the frogs, resulting in a singular event: the conception of the first Purple Pepe. This phenomenon occurred due to the rare combination of radioactive fallout, squid ink, and the frogs' reproductive processes.

The radiation exposure accelerated the evolutionary process for Purple Pepe, adapting at a rate 100,000 times faster than any other known species during that period. By 2025, Purple Pepe had developed the ability to thrive in environments beyond its native deep-sea habitat.

Purple Pepe's remarkable life journey has made it an inspiring symbol, transcending species boundaries. Its capacity to overcome adversity serves as a testament to the potential within every individual, regardless of challenges such as autism, Down syndrome, or Alien Hand Syndrome.

Purple Pepe's empowering message reaffirms that success is attainable with determination and perseverance, regardless of others' skepticism.